i attended a really informative presentation on three pandemics the world is currently facing: world hunger, aids, and the church. it's interesting that the church would be among the major tragedies claiming the lives of millions...but it's there for a reason.
too often i am quick to say that people should be empowered to change the direction of their lives....that if only given the tools, one could achieve anything. i believe that there are systemic problems in our country that prevent certain people from being independent...providing their family with food and their children with security. that if only people were paid a living wage, despite differing levels of education and economic standing, one would still be able to provide for one's family.
but maybe im operating on a different plane. maybe i'm missing the point that without food in one's belly, one can't think and operate and be expected to change the future. disease and hunger go hand in hand..especially in the poorer parts of the world. without the proper nutrition, no amount of medicine could save anyone from a deadly disease. maybe that's the point i need to remember when i start climbing up on my soapbox and preach about systemic failures that are the causes of strife today.
tomorrow is world aids day. im sure red ribbons will dot the lapels of many...of course there will be media coverage on the events taking place around the world...and more statistics will be thrown out to shock us into caring. but what happens on december 2 when it isn't officially aids day anymore? will we still talk about the disease that leaves too many families hungry and destitute? will we still want to learn about ways we can help provide relief? will we care that there are too many children left as orphans every minute?
i want to remember all these things...its too arrogant and selfish not to.